A Diamond of Dust by Anato Swu
‘A DIAMOND OF DUST’ will take you on a journey of how a promising medical student, aspiring to become a top surgeon, ironically became a drug addict himself using his parents hard earned money which they set aside each month to pay for his fees in a top medical college.
Page Count: 124
Read how a highly educated trainee surgeon was tempted to abuse drugs as a one-time experience not realising that the experience would jeopardise his career and cause him to be an addict and with that, would bring life-changing consequences.
From being a studious and responsible son, he went into a life of an obscure and lonely youth with shattered dreams, unconcerned about his family life, shackled by the ‘chains of addiction’, forsaken by friends and forgotten by society but God had another plan and in the midst of the author’s darkest valley eternity crossed paths with him and his life was never the same.
This book records, through experience, lucid accounts of not only what drugs and alcohol does to a person, but how to prevent you and your own children from becoming another statistic as its victim.
• The mind-set of an addict; how they think, control and manipulate.
• How they are torn internally by abusing those they love.
• The different types of drugs and their effects.
• How to spot an addict.
• Guidelines on raising up children in unsafe environments.
• Tips to tackle the ‘drug menace’ in a family and neighborhood.