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A Diamond of Dust by Anato Swu



‘A DIAMOND OF DUST’ will take you on a journey of how a promising medical student, aspiring to become a top surgeon, ironically became a drug addict himself using his parents hard earned money which they set aside each month to pay for his fees in a top medical college.

Page Count: 124

Read how a highly educated trainee surgeon was tempted to abuse drugs as a one-time experience not realising that the experience would jeopardise his career and cause him to be an addict and with that, would bring life-changing consequences.

From being a studious and responsible son, he went into a life of an obscure and lonely youth with shattered dreams, unconcerned about his family life, shackled by the ‘chains of addiction’, forsaken by friends and forgotten by society but God had another plan and in the midst of the author’s darkest valley eternity crossed paths with him and his life was never the same.

This book records, through experience, lucid accounts of not only what drugs and alcohol does to a person, but how to prevent you and your own children from becoming another statistic as its victim.

• The mind-set of an addict; how they think, control and manipulate.
• How they are torn internally by abusing those they love.
• The different types of drugs and their effects.
• How to spot an addict.
• Guidelines on raising up children in unsafe environments.
• Tips to tackle the ‘drug menace’ in a family and neighborhood.

Living by Faith in Jesus Christ by Mirela Gergely Bundoo


For I know the thoughts I think towards you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.’ Jeremiah 29:11


From a young child growing up in Romania, Mirela had a deep desire to find and talk to God, which gave her a strong drive and determination to face everything life has thrown at her head-on. At the age of 16, she dedicated her life to the Lord and to His plan for her future. Dealing with very difficult situations from a young age, the call of God was very apparent in her life, giving her hope.


Through times of despair and darkness, this book will take you on a journey through heartache, pain and loss on to miraculous healing, breakthroughs and victories. Sometimes things that happen to us in life are hard to understand, but the one constant through it all is the assurance that our God will never leave us nor forsake us.


Read how this strong woman endured hard times along the way, how she grew in faith and character and how God never left her side but equipped her to be the best version of herself that she could be. Allow this book to equip you to fight the good fight of faith against the evil one as you read, ‘Living by Faith in Jesus Christ.’


About the Author

Mirela Gergely Bundoo was born and raised in Romania and in hearing the call of God, she moved to Ireland, where she lives with her husband. Being a Bible teacher and a missionary, she has ministered in many countries and seeks to lead others into who Jesus can be in their lives.

Prepare for Revival by Christine Black


In Prepare for Revival, you will taste what miracles the transforming power of Jesus can do. Read how a lady immersed in the New Age found healing through His all-forgiving Love. The story of Christine Fielding-Black is a page-turner. As she allowed the Holy Spirit to move in her wounds and fragilities, her heart was set ablaze with the fear of the Lord. Her passion for the lost souls led her to share the Gospel to the four corners of the earth
You can experience the same breakthrough in your life, no matter how dark and hopeless your circumstances are. Even in the abysses of your existence, Jesus can rescue you and make you His ambassador to the nations. As you read this book, the spirit of Revival will be birthed in you and you will:

Be a tool in His hands to set other people ablaze for Him;
Experience the wonders of His love and His heart for the lost and dying of this world;
Receive His abundant riches for your life in supernatural ways.

Our Creator wants to bring restoration in your life. He desires to use you for His purposes on earth, to revive smoking flaxes for Him. This is the time for us to be made ready for the Master to invade our lands with His glorious Presence!

The Keys to Unlocking God’s Wealth by Liam McNamara


Page Count: 118
In Psalm 50:10, we read about ‘God owning the cattle on the thousand hills,’ but do you know anyone who has found them?

Prosperity teachers have convinced followers to give, give, give, and God will then meet your need. If this is the full truth, then the crippled man in Acts 3:6 would never have been healed. Have you not read… Peter was on his way to worship God with no offering. And the crippled man never gave an offering before his healing.

Scripture promises us; ‘My God shall supply all of your needs.’ (Phil. 4:19) Yet, many work long hours and still our needs are not met. The Old Testament promises; ‘You shall lend to many nations, you shall not borrow.’ Deut. 28:12 And yet we’re drowning in debt, unable to get our head above the water.

In this life-changing book, the author shares real life stories of when he lost his fortune, his home, mother’s land, marriage, business, etc. To the moment when God steps into his life and he learned God’s ways are higher than his!

It’s time to go from serving money, to money serving you, through this life-changing book ‘The keys to unlocking God’s wealth.’



For I know the thoughts I think towards you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.’ Jeremiah 29:11


From a young child growing up in Romania, Mirela had a deep desire to find and talk to God, which gave her a strong drive and determination to face everything life has thrown at her head-on. At the age of 16, she dedicated her life to the Lord and to His plan for her future. Dealing with very difficult situations from a young age, the call of God was very apparent in her life, giving her hope.


Through times of despair and darkness, this book will take you on a journey through heartache, pain and loss on to miraculous healing, breakthroughs and victories. Sometimes things that happen to us in life are hard to understand, but the one constant through it all is the assurance that our God will never leave us nor forsake us.


Read how this strong woman endured hard times along the way, how she grew in faith and character and how God never left her side but equipped her to be the best version of herself that she could be. Allow this book to equip you to fight the good fight of faith against the evil one as you read, ‘Living by Faith in Jesus Christ.’


About the Author

Mirela Gergely Bundoo was born and raised in Romania and in hearing the call of God, she moved to Ireland, where she lives with her husband. Being a Bible teacher and a missionary, she has ministered in many countries and seeks to lead others into who Jesus can be in their lives.